Gubernatorial Campaign Archives
Key Positions
If you believe that:
We MUST protect the Second Amendment and defend the Constitution before both are lost.
Allowing our beautiful and valuable forests to burn annually is BAD forest management.
Parents, NOT politicians, should control decisions that will shape our children’s futures.
We should STAND with and provide more support for our police, NOT defund them.
ENABLING and encouraging our homeless DOES NOT WORK.
The government has NO PLACE in our personal medical decisions.
FAILED government leadership and over-regulation are crippling our businesses.
The unborn are PRECIOUS assets and we must fight for their right to life.
THRIVING farmers, ranchers, loggers and miners equal a more self-sufficient state.
The Rural-Urban divide MUST END, and solid leadership is needed to bring us together.
FAIR and HONEST elections are critical if we want to keep our Republic.
America is the shining light on the hill—and we have to fight to save her, state by state . . .
. . . then I'm the candidate for you.

Restore Oregon NOW
Oregonians for Medical Freedom
Eastern Oregon Mining Association
Union County Freedom Alliance
Baker County Republicans
Marion County Republicans (Vote of Support)
Arboc21 Medical Freedom Group
All Weather Construction, Inc.
Appliances & More
Amazing Changes Hair Design
Aspen Digital
Back Country Aussies
Back Country Taxidermy
Baker Copy, Ship & Mail
Baker County Custom Meats
Behlen Manufacturing
Beyond Z
Black Lyon Publishing, LLC
Blacks Distributing
Blazo Sales Brookings
Bud Jackson's Eatery & Taps
Buermann's Ranch Meats
Bullseye Firearms
C3 Games
Charley’s Deli and Ice Cream
Cody’s General Store
Cole Components
Coley's Glass Company, LLC
Comfort Flow Heating
Conyers Creek Ranch, LLC
Cowboy and Angels Restaurant
Desjardins Dental Ceramics
Devils Canyon Ranch
Dusty Spur Café
Eagle Cap Grill
Earth-Moon Acupuncture, Inc.
Eastern Oregon Outfitters
Family Tradition Taxidermy
Farmers Insurance (Baker City)
Grass Valley Country Market
Gravy Daves
High Desert Cattle Company
Hines Meat Company (LaGrande)
Hines Meat Company (Pendleton)
Hudson Printing Company
Inland Café
Island City Market & Deli
John Jeffries Spray Service
K Diamond Consulting
K9 Show Designs
Kehr Chiropractic
L&L Excavating
Liberty Motorsports
Little Bagel Shop
Little Pig Restaurant
Little White Barn
Morin Ranch
Morris Forestry
Mt. Hood Cleaners
Nature's Kids Corp
Nature’s Pantry
North Powder Café
Obsidian Hair Spa
Old Iron Garage Co.
Oregon Trail Motel & Restaurant
Powder River Electric, Inc.
Punkin Seed Productions
R/K Livestock, LLC
Ranch Studio Artworks
Redemption Agate of Eastern Oregon
Reel Vault, Inc.
Redland Engraving
Riverland, LLC
Robert Pettit Photography
Shameless Tees
Sherman Trucking LLC
Silk Butters
Smokehouse Restaurant
Snaffle Bit Restaurant
Stream Savers
Superior Towing Inc.
Taco Time (Baker City)
The Ad Dad
The Ison House
The Smokehouse
The Squeaky Stirrup
The Waterhole
Treasure Every Stitch Quilt Store
Vince Holtz Seed, LLC
W. Harvey Construction, LLC
Wild Bill's (Halfway)
Adam Craven, Brownsville City Councilor
Al Short, Jefferson County Republican PCP
Alan Johnston, Retired Business Owner
Alisa Anderson, Former Baker County PCP
Amanda Miller, Business Owner
Amanda Rainwater, Business Owner
Andre Pinette
Andy Johnson, Business Owner
Annette Nelson, Jefferson County PCP
Ann Leatherbury
Anthony Lasich
April Wine
Autumn Ingalls
Barbara Broadbent
Barry Williams, Deschutes County PCP
Beau Allen, Rancher, Business Owner
Becky Johnston, Retired Business Owner
Becky Tocol
Ben Fisher, Editor, Northwest Observer
Benita Britt, Business Owner
Bette Strouth
Betty Milliman, Baker County Republican PCP
Beverly Chadwick
Bill Adams, Former Klamath Falls City Councilman
Bill Buermann, Business Owner
Bill Brown
Bill Harvey, Baker County Commission Chair
Bill Remington, Business Owner
Bill Shumway, Former Baker County Republican PCP
Blake Bars, Business Owner
Bobbie Nicolaides
Bonnie Cordova
Brad Herrera, Burns City Councilor
Brad Paluck, Business Owner
Brandy Brice
Brenda Burns, Business Owner
Brenda Clarke, Marion County Republican PCP
Brenda Coley, Business Owner
Brett Gray, Farmer / Business Owner
Brett Morris
Briana Sutherlin
Brian Guinther, Business Owner
Bruce Davis
Cale Morgan
Callista Songstad
Calvin Walz, Business Owner/Rancher
Candia Sanders, Business Owner
Candra Campbell
Carissa Springer, Business Owner
Carl Walker, Business Owner, Retired Veteran
Carol Batterton
Carol Hoffman, Wasco County Republican PCP
Carol Howe
Carol von Borstal, Sherman County PCP
Carol Warren
Carol Williams, Marion County Republican PCP
Carole Zielinski, Marion County Republican PCP
Carolyn Peterson
Cathleen Koontz
Cathleen Vokral, Founder of Arboc21 Medical Freedom Group
Cathryn Hardman
Cathy Knapp
Charity Courtney
Charles Price
Charlie Carpenter
Cheryl Martin, Former Baker County Chamber of Commerce Board President, Current President Board of Directors Eastern Oregon University
Chip Koontz
Chris Barreto, Former ORP National Committeewoman, Trump Delegate
Chris Noel
Christina Kratka
Christiana Mayer, Washington County Republican PCP
Christina Earle, Business Owner
Christine Jones, HHA
Christine Worden
Christo Hartman, Americans in Action
Christopher Keefauver, MD
Christopher Wiseman, Harney County Republican PCP
Chuck Chase, Eastern Oregon Mining Association, Baker County Republican PCP
Chuck Knapp
Cliff Baker, Jefferson County Republican PCP
Cloie Christensen
Cody Bowen, Union County Sheriff
Colleen MacLead, Union County Republican PCP
Crystal Rhodes
Crystal Shaw, RN
Cynthia Warnock, Former Wallowa County Stockman's Association Chair
Dannette Cort
Darlien France, Wasco County Republican PCP
Darrel Denbrook
Dave Elmore
Dave Sazama
David Darnell, Former ORP Congressional District 5 Republican Chair
David Furhman, Business Owner
David Gravance
David Holmes
David Hughes
David Manion
David McGuire, Business Owner
David McQuisten, Former Baker County Republican PCP
David Sherman
Dawn Brown
Dawn Christensen, Business Owner
Deb Ables, Business Owner
Deana Marie Rashleger
Debbie Carpenter
Debbie Middletow
Deborah Knapp
Debra Bond
Debra Harkness
Del Stout
Del Woodcock, Business Owner
Denise Holznagel
Dian Mussi
Diann Price
Dianna Blazo, Business Owner, Curry County Republican PCP
Dianne Dell'Arciprete
Dixie Elmore
Donn Christy, Business Owner
Donna Beverage, Union County Commissioner
Donna Cherryholmes
Dorothy Petersen
Doug Oliver, former Baker County Republican PCP
Ed Hardt, Eastern Oregon Mining Association
Ed Chance, Jefferson County Republican PCP
Eileen Driver, Former City Councilor, Huntington
Elaine Condon
Elizabeth Bordeaux
Elizabeth Guidero
Elizabeth Huntsman
Elizabeth Tandy
Emelinda St. James, RN, Curry County Republican PCP
Eric Juhola
Eric Moore, Business Owner
Erlene Christensen
Ernie Moore, Farmer / Business Owner
Esa Murrell, Business Owner
Eugenia Lynn Loverin
Falene Olsen
Frances Preston, Grant County Republican Chair
Frank Carlson
Frank Horton
Fred Dobbs
G. Austin Bingaman, Board Director of OTEC, Business Owner
Gary Earle, Business Owner
Ginny Gould
Glenda Flint
Glenn Miller, Business Owner
Glenn Peters, Business Owner
Gloria Bratcher
Greg Barreto, Business Owner, Former Oregon State Representative
Gregg Henton
Hal Harlety
Hannah Hensley
Holly Day
Ian Moog
Irene Gray, Farmer / Business Owner
Isaac Moore
Jack Farley
Jack Myers
Jack Peek
Jady Hughes
Jake Hines, Business Owner
Jakob Phelan
James Hogan
James Kopp, MD
James Weigel, Business Owner
James Whaling
Jami Peters
Jan Burchard, Baker County Republican PCP
Janelle Olsen, Jackson County PCP
Jan Purkett, RN
Jana Woodcock, Business Owner
Janell Buermann, Business Owner
Janette Koon
Jason Jordan Smith
Jason Kehr, DC
Jason Shephard
Jay Wilson, Business Owner
Jeana Bingaman, Business Owner
Jeanna DeHaan
Jean Hogan-Sampson, Clatskanie City Councilor
Jeanie Scott, Deschutes County PCP
Jeff Kratka
Jeff Hogan
Jeff Jeffries, Business Owner
Jeff Mackey
Jeff McKinney
Jeff Nelson, BMCC Small Business Development Advisor
Jeffrey Petersen
Jeff Stevens, Deschutes County PCP
Jennifer Smith
Jenny Long, Business Owner
Jeremy Brunner, Business Owner
Jerry Boyd, Retired Police Chief / Reserve Commander
Leslee Huggins
Jessica Moore
Jill Litzinger, Umatilla County Republican PCP
Jim Huggins, Former Gubernatorial Candidate, Business Owner, Retired Airforce Officer
Jim Juhola
Jim White
Joanna Dixon, Baker City Councilor, Baker County Republican PCP
Jodi Furtney, Business Owner
Jodi White
Jody Jefferies, Business Owner
Joe Johnson
Joel Pawloski (Lt. Colonel Ret.), Marion County PCP
Joe Scott, Business Owner
Joseph Baxter
Joey Crowther
John Belveal, Business Owner/Rancher
John Friend
John Hamlin
John Harding
John Hebert, Jr., President Sheridan Museum of History
John Logue
John Parker, Douglas County PCP
John Philo, Former ORP Congressional District 2 Chair and Deschutes County Republican Chair
John Riddle
Johnny Owens
Johnny Waggoner Sr., Baker City Councilor
Jolene Baker, Klamath County Republican PCP
Jolynn Shaw
Jon Dickison
Joseph Duke
Josh Thomas
JT Thorne, Elgin City Councilor
Judy Baker
Julie Dominick
Julie Inman, Jefferson County PCP
Julie McKinney, Baker County PCP
Julie Myers, Business Owner
June Petitt
Justin Langan, Baker County Republican PCP
Justin Cary
Kailee Polfur, Business Owner / Rancher
Kaillin Polfur
Kailyn McQuisten
Kara Becker
Karen Brock
Karen Darnell, Business Owner, Nonprofit President, Republican PCP
Karen Downer
Karen Morgan, Candidate for Lake County Commissioner
Karen Potts
Karen Shrader
Karen Starr
Karla Fagan, LPN
Kasey Phelan
Kate Grace, Baker County Republican PCP
Kathleen Williams, Business Owner
Kathy McCullough, Sherman County PCP
Kathy Mussi, Hood River County Republican PCP
Kathy Sherman, Business Owner
Keith Carpenter
Keith Jones, Baker County Republican PCP
Kelli Vance, Lake County Republican Vice Chair
Kelli Ward, Arizona Republican Party Chair
Kellie Carlson
Kelly Davis Carlson
Ken Barrios
Ken Ewell
Ken Ivory, Utah State Rep.
Ken Morehouse, Christmas Valley Water Board
Ken Polfur, Business Owner
Ken Taylor, Former ORP Treasurer
Ken Wheeler
Kerry Sherman, Business Owner
Kerry White, Former Montana State Rep.
Kershin Eahard
Kevin Bradford, Business Owner
Kevin Conzo, The Grumpy Baker
Kevin McCullough
Kimala Parret Hoskins, Business Owner
Kim Hughes
Kory Carman
Kristi Hensley, Former Business Owner
Larry & Stacie Overman, Business Owners, stars of "Ghost Mine" (Discovery Channel)
Larry Churchill
Larry Shrader
Laurie Hueckman
Leann Evans
Linda Danielson
Lindianne Sarno, Conservative Journalist
Lis Rice Thorne
Lissa Remington, Business Owner
Liz Ewell
Liz Paluck, Business Owner
Lorne Peterson
Lorraine Speelman
Louise Phillips, Multnomah County Republican PCP
Lucie Immoos
Lyle Byler
Lynette Perry, Baker City Events, Former Baker City Councilor
M. T. Andersen, Business Owner/Rancher
Mandy Diaz
Marcia Davis
Marcy Taxdal
Margaret Scott
Marilyn McFarland
Marilyn Schollenberger, Baker City Events
Marlene Stevens
Mark Cavener
Mark St. James, RN, Curry County Republican PCP
Martin Creson
Marylou Follett
Matt Diaz
Matt Rainwater, Business Owner
Matthew Simmons
Maureen Rogers
Maurice Yoder, Yamill County Republican Chair
Melissa Cary
Merrie von Borstal, Sherman County PCP
Merry Sampson
Meshell Carey
Michael Adams
Michael Carlson
Michael Luft, Klamath County Republican PCP
Michael Thompson, Business Owner
Michele Kapkayev
Michelle Simmons, Business Owner
Mike DesJardin, DMD, Business Owner
Mike Guidero
Mike Pace, Business Owner
Mike Reber, Retired Business Owner
Mike Yonker
Misty Maxey
Monika Denbrook
Monika Henry
Myrna Morgan, Business Owner
Nancy Baker, Jefferson County Republican PCP
Nathan Smith
Neoma Friend
Nick Phelan
Nita VanVoorhis
Neoma Friend
Noel Scott, Business Owner
Noppawan Smith
Nora Bass
Patti Horton, Klamath County Republican Chair
Paul Hunt
Paul Sweaney, Grant County Conservatives
Paula Bartley
Penny Ross
Phil Dollison
Phillip Rundell
Phyllis Ernsberger
Phyllis Fox
Rachael Estrada
Rachel Reber, Business Owner
Ralph Morgan, Rancher/Business Owner
Randell Embertson
Randy Raschein, Business Owner
Ray Day
Ray Smith
Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Young, Lake County PCP
Richard Dominick
Richard Fox
Richard Rose
Richard Sandstrom, Former Mayor and City Councilman, Clatskanie
Rick Strubelt
Robert Coombes
Robert Culley
Robert Edmonds
Robert Mostoller, Lane County PCP
Robert Petitt, Business Owner
Robin Saucedo
Robyn McLean, Wasco County Republican PCP
Rocky Wardle
Roger Whiltey, Business Owner
Ron Bruce, Business Owner
Roseanne Johnson
Roy Peterson
Russ Robbins
Sally Standley
Sally Shumway, Former Baker County Republican PCP
Sally Van Beek
Samantha Tugman
Samni Bell
Sandra Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Sandra Page
Sandra Wheeler
Sandy McGuire
Sandy Walker, Sheridan City Councilor
Sara Honsvick
Sarah Elebiary
Sarah Moog
Savahanna Phelan
Scott Sherman, Business Owner
Shannon Black, Business Owner
Shara Shumway
Sharon Bass, Baker County Republican PCP
Shawn Campbell
Shawn Lugenbeel
Shawn Overbay
Shelley Holden
Shelley Horton
Shelly Cutler, Baker County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director
Sheri Sharp
Sherl Hilde
Sherman Peters
Sherman Phelan
Sherry Belding
Sherry Haeger, Mayor of Cove
Shirley Reber
Sianna Rose Williams
Stacey Zoon
Stef Hinton
Stephanie Benson, Business Owner
Steve Carnes
Steve Foster
Steve Furtney
Steve Hillyer, Business Owner
Steve Yates
Stuart von Borstal, Sherman County PCP
Stuart Whelpley, Klamath County Republican PCP
Sue Ann Wardle
Sue Holz
Sue Lemons
Sue Rahi, Jefferson County Republican PCP
Suni Danforth, Umatilla County Republican Chair
Susan George
Susan Pawloski
Suzan Ellis Jones, ORP Congressional District 2 Chair, Baker County Republican Chair
Suzanne Morehouse
Suzette Polley
Tami Thompson
Tami Wilson
Tammie Williams
Tammy Crider
Taze Brunner
Ted Van Beek
Teresa Perkins, Business Owner
Teri Fuhrman, Business Owner
Terrie Evarts, Baker County Republican PCP
Terrie Flath
Terril Hughes, Business Owner
Terry Cox
Terry Speelman, Retired Baker County Sheriff
Terry Turner
Tessa Neill
Thomas Jakers
Thomas Van Dusen
Tiffannee Primus
Tina Sazama
Todd Arriola
Todd Donahue
Todd Springer, Business Owner
Todd Teaford, Business Owner
Tom Anderson
Tom Hank
Tom Holznagel
Tom Hughes, Baker County Republican PCP
Tom Morehouse
Tom Van Diepen, Business Owner
Toni Myers
Tonia Thomas
Tracie Compomizzo
Tracy McKenzie, Business Owner
Trevor Loudon, Author, Filmmaker, Public Speaker and American Freedom Alliance Fellow
Troy Simmons, Business Owner
Twila Iverson, Business Owner
Vickie Ballou
Vickie Holdeman, HHA, CAN
Vicky Day Davis, Business Owner
Victor Garner
Virginia Roberts
Vivien McQuisten (full disclosure: age 10)
Wayne Bos
Wendy Adams, Business Owner
Wendy Childs, Business Owner
Wes Christensen
Whitney Black, Business Owner
William Johnson
Wilma Phegley
Zachary Rojas
“I’m proud to endorse Kerry McQuisten for Oregon Governor. Kerry is a Trump-supporting, principled conservative who will fight every day to Make Oregon Great Again. Oregonians need real leadership and common sense reforms from a political outsider who will always put Oregon first.”
—David Bossie
Senior Advisor to President Trump, Deputy Campaign Manager for Trump 2016 presidential campaign, President of Citizens United, Producer of the film “Rigged”
“I am proud to endorse my fellow patriot, Kerry McQuisten. Kerry is a warrior for our freedoms, and I have full confidence in her ability to tackle the hard issues faced by Oregonians, including election integrity.”
—Dr. Kelli Ward
Speaker, Author, Arizona Republican Party State Chair, Election Integrity Expert
“In this effort to set our country back on the path of greatness, we must begin a revival in the states. Arguably no state has paid more dearly for wokeness and incompetence than has Oregon. Having hit an historic low under Kate Brown, now is the time of choosing for Oregon voters. A Republican for Governor can win in Oregon this election, America. But Republicans will need to nominate a candidate with executive experience, who proudly represents rural values, and leads with common sense conservatism. That is why I’m proud to support Kerry McQuisten for Governor.”
—Steve Yates
Former White House Deputy National Security Advisor for the Vice President under the George W. Bush Administration,
former Chair of the Idaho Republican Party, and former
President of Radio Free Asia under the Trump administration
“I’m always happy to have the chance to endorse a true conservative—but not just a conservative—a conservative with a real path to victory in the fall general election. I encourage all rural Oregon voters to gather their support around Kerry, and not allow their valuable votes to be split elsewhere in the primary. Kerry is the only candidate with extensive hands-on experience and understands the value of our natural resource industries. She has a true love for Oregon’s rural counties that we haven’t seen in Salem in a very long time. As Co-Chairman of the Trump for President Oregon campaign, I believe Mayor McQuisten with be an Oregon First governor, not a special interests-driven chief executive.”
—Greg Barreto
Former Oregon State Representative, Entrepreneur and business owner
“Kerry McQuisten is very conservative. I spent much of the last 15 hours talking with people about Kerry McQuisten before writing this. Oregon, you’d better have a serious captain on the bridge of that leaking boat. One that will enable law enforcement to go head-to-head against antifa/BLM terrorists, and get those drug addicts off the streets. If I were an Oregon voter, I’d vote for Kerry. Heck, given that ALL voting for this is mail-in, I can probably vote 10,000 times from Russia and China.”
—Michael Yon
Author, Combat Correspondent, Public Speaker, Green Beret
“2022 Could be a turning year for liberty in Oregon. The grassroots base is fired up like never before, and now has a real chance to take the state back. Kerry McQuisten is the best chance to inspire the base and unite every sector of the freedom movement. She has a proven record in grassroots activism, and plenty of hands-on political experience. I unreservedly endorse Kerry McQuisten for Governor.”
—Trevor Loudon
Filmmaker, Author, Public Speaker, “Epoch Times” contributor, and America First activist
“I’ve often heard that courage is contagious. Being a good leader is not a title that is given; it’s earned through hard work and doing what is right, even when it’s hard. Standing up for individual freedoms, supporting our law enforcement, and supporting our Constitution are what we need in a leader right now. I believe Kerry McQuisten is the leader Oregon needs going forward. Stand with me and the many others by supporting Kerry McQuisten for Governor.”
—Cody Bowen
Union County Sheriff, Oregon
“Kerry McQuisten was instrumental in helping Clatskanie pass a resolution to defying the shutdowns by Kate Brown, allowing our businesses to open. She’s smart, strong, and genuine—not a career politician. With her leading us, we can restore Oregon back to the common sense state it used to be.”
—Jean Hogan-Sampson
Clatskanie City Councilor, Oregon
“Kerry McQuisten could easily become the next Kristi Noem among U.S. governors. This would be a welcome change to the leadership image our state has on the national stage today. Having shared the stage with many of the candidates, as well and talking with them behind the scenes, I’ve gained valuable insight—who they are and what’s motivating them to run for the high office of Oregon’s Chief Executive Officer. What I can say is that the remaining field of candidates has one leader remaining in the race who is able to address the real issues facing this state and the 3.9 million citizens who call Oregon home. I encourage everyone to support Kerry McQuisten in her bid to become the next governor.”
—Jim Huggins
Former 2022 Oregon Gubernatorial Candidate, Business Owner, Filmmaker, Retired Decorated Air Force Officer, Author
“I’m a retired police chief with over 50 years in public safety. I have known Kerry for many years. She says what she means, and means what she says. She is a strong gun rights advocate, and is behind our public safety / law enforcement personnel 1000%. She knows why this state has gone downhill under recent governors—and she knows how to turn that around. She reminds me very much of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem in terms of ideology and the willingness to fight for the rights of our state’s citizens.”
—Jerry Boyd
Former Chief of Police (CA), Retired Baker City Police Department Reserve Commander (OR)
“There’s a stark difference between Kerry McQuisten and the rest of the field. She’s actually showing Oregon voters what she can do—in real time, and with conviction and courage. Just check out Baker City and what they have committed to in regards to oppressive, wrong-headed and economy-killing policies put in place by Governor Kate Brown. It’s epic democracy in action, and Baker City, under Mayor McQuisten, is defending the rights of the citizens.”
—Ken Taylor
Former Oregon Republican Party State Treasurer
“If you seek better access, health, and productivity from our forests and public lands (instead of smoke and bad decisions) elect Kerry McQuisten as Oregon’s next Governor. She has hands-on, real-world knowledge of natural resources, public lands management, and forest access issues. Oregonians deserve better care of these natural treasures.”
—Rep. Ken Ivory, JD (Utah)
House Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environmental Quality Appropriations Subcommittee, Founding President of American Lands Council, House Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Committee
“I fully support Kerry McQuisten for Governor of Oregon. For too long our government has implemented a hands-off approach to lands management, allowing fuel loads to increase, resulting in catastrophic wildfires … Oregon needs a Governor like Kerry who will take care of our public lands.”
—Kerry White
Former State Representative (Montana)
Chair of the House Committee on Natural Resources
“I solidly endorse Kerry McQuisten for governor of Oregon. The governor’s office is an executive-level position, and we need Kerry’s management ability in that seat if Oregon is to be represented effectively on a national scale. She’s a real conservative, and I’ve seen her advocate for parents’ rights, including homeschooling, and our Second Amendment rights. She was raised on a cattle ranch with mining and timber; her heart is there. With this endorsement, I’m asking Oregon voters to unite behind her in the primary so that we have the strongest candidate in the general election.”
—Chris Barreto
Former Oregon National Committeewoman to the RNC, RNC Delegate to the 2016 National Convention, Trump Delegate, Credentials Committee 2012 RNC Convention
“Kerry was born and raised in Oregon, and is a passionate advocate for farmers, ranchers, miners and loggers. She is an entrepreneur, not a politician, which sets her apart from other serial candidates. Her experience in City Council means she knows how government works—and doesn’t. She can hit the ground running on day one of her term.”
—Shelly Cutler
Executive Director, Baker County Chamber of Commerce
“Knowing what Kerry McQuisten has done for the Eastern Oregon community is the reason I was inspired to step up and try to help the people of Elgin. Kerry helped create a Second Amendment Sanctuary, a Common Sense Sanctuary—and tries to right the wrongs in our state that have gone on far too long. It has been hard not having a voice in Eastern Oregon all these years, but Kerry is from here. She is the champion we need for the entire state.”
—J.T. Thorne
Elgin City Councilor (Oregon)
“I started talking with Kerry when she led the charge to stand up against Kate Brown’s lockdowns and mandates. I was happy to join that fight on behalf of my own city. The resolution she wrote helped elected officials around the state stand up for our people. She is a warrior to preserve our rights as Americans.”
—Sherry Haeger
Mayor of Cove, Oregon
“As a 3rd generation Oregonian, retired Navy veteran and former law enforcement officer, and now farmer, I believe Kerry exemplifies what a governor should be. She is articulate, personable, and truly cares for all of Oregon—not just the I-5 corridor. She supports the Oregon and U.S. Constitutions, and she’s not afraid to stand up to political tyrants to defend us.”
—Brian Guinther
Owner, Conyers Creek Ranch (Columbia County, Oregon)
“We’ve known Kerry since she was a child, when her grandparents helped us form the Eastern Oregon Mining Council. She is the only candidate who has real-life experience when it comes to ranching and mining. She is the only candidate who has personally experienced how government regulations are killing these industries.”
—Chuck Chase and Ed Hardt
Two founding members of the Eastern Oregon Mining Council, which later became the Eastern Oregon Mining Association
“When I saw Kerry McQuisten on the Pete Hegseth segment of Fox Primetime, I was a huge fan from that moment on. Her appearance on the Stuart Varney show solidified that she is what Oregon needs to get us from the 35 years of headed toward a cliff. I’ve since met her several times, and have been more impressed each time.”
—Maurice Yoder
Business Owner, Yamhill County Republican Chair (Oregon)
“I’ve known Kerry McQuisten for years. She doesn’t lie or change her message to fit the audience. She’ll encourage true history to be taught in schools, rather than the propaganda of the moment. She’ll honor those who keep us safe, and enforce consequences for those who break our laws. She’ll fight the progressive juggernaut and restore freedoms already seized from us. The only sanctuary she’ll create is the sanctuary of constitutionally guaranteed individual freedoms! No other candidate is even close on these principles.”
—James Kopp, MD
Retired Orthopedic Surgeon, Navy Veteran, Native Oregonian
“Americans Resisisting Body Ownership Corruption started as a group of state employees trying to stop Kate Brown’s mandates. Today our group is nearly 2,500 strong. Our message hasn’t changed since the beginning: We want a new boss! Kerry McQuisten has fought for citizens and stood up against tyranny—and that’s a boss we want to hire. We support common sense leadership who cares about Oregon.”
—Cathleen Vokral
Co-founder of Arboc-21 Medical Freedom Group
“I served 30 years in law enforcement with 20 as Sheriff. I worked together with Kerry McQuisten as Baker County PCPs. She’s conservative—always has been. She doesn’t just talk the talk—she walks the walk. She was raised on a ranch and understands the problems faced by ranchers trying to earn a living. She was successful working for others in big business, then started her own successful business. She understands what it takes to make things work. She studies problems from all sides, then applies herself to taking care of the problem. Kerry’s campaign is grassroots, which means she has no huge donors trying to buy some influence. It’s time we had a common sense Governor who listens to all the people. That person is Kerry McQuisten.”
—Terry Speelman
Retired Baker County Sheriff, Former member of the State Prison Sitting Advisory Board, State Medical Examiner Advisory Board, Hanford Waste Transport Advisory Committee
“There are many, many Republican candidates in the race for Governor of Oregon. However, there’s only one candidate who actively holds a strong, conservative stance. That candidate is Kerry McQuisten. She has shown by her actions as Baker City Mayor that she stands for freedom and the constitutional power of We the People. For that, I give my endorsement to Kerry McQuisten.”
—Adam Craven
Brownsville City Councilor (Oregon)
“I have decided to endorse a Republican candidate who is a constitutional conservative who can set Oregon back on the right track. We need a constitutional renaissance, and voting for Kerry McQuisten gives us the best chance for that to happen.”
—Ben Fisher
Editor, “Northwest Observer”
*PCPs, County Party Chairs and OFRW members are listed are endorsing in their individual capacities.